The Emerging Field of Psychodermatology

Hi Natalie,

If you’re like many women, you probably get skin issues when you’re under stress.

Maybe it’s an acne outbreak before a job interview.

Or maybe you get dark circles under your eyes before going on a date.

Well here’s good news. There’s an easy way to improve your skin tone when it’s misbehaving.

And it’s all because of the emerging field of Psychodermatology.

I know, that word is awkward.

But I’m telling you, I’ve used these methods and I couldn’t believe the results.

Recently I told my dermatologist “almost everytime I’m about to go on a date, I get the darkest circles under my eyes. And they won’t go away no matter what.”

And that’s when she introduced me to Psychodermatology.

The solution was yoga, meditation, and mindfulness.

She said, “Your mind and body are connected, right? So that includes your skin. When you’re stressed, whatever is happening inside your body shows up on your skin. That’s why you treat your skin and stress at the same time.”

Her advice was simple:

1) Start deep breathing. Breathe in and count to four. Breathe out and count to four. Keep this going until you feel your heart rate slow down.

2) Find your favorite skin care products and pick the most exciting reason you use it.

3) As you put on your products, think about the positive reasons you use them. Like how it hydrates your skin and keeps you looking youthful. If you have a negative thought, try to tell yourself to stop thinking that thought and go back to why you are using the product. Do this until you’re done using it.

4) Repeat with all your skin care products.

I wasn’t sold yet.

Then she told me about a study that changed my mind.

In 2018 researchers studied brain activity in participants doing mindfulness exercises.

They discovered that the participants had increased telomere activity. Telomeres are what protect your DNA. They look like the end of a shoelace. So they realized, the telomeres lengthened by mindfulness slow down the aging process.

She said making this a part of your skin care routine not only makes your skin issues improve, it affects your overall health and makes you live longer.

At this point I decide it’s worth a try.

First I started with my eye cream.

While I was looking in the mirror putting it on I was thinking about how it’s hydrating my skin. Not about how I want to get rid of my dark circles.

When I added meditation and yoga into my schedule, it helped even more.

Plus the best part is not only did my skin clear up, I have less stress, depression, and anxiety on a daily basis.

You most likely already have a skin routine, so why not try something easy that won’t take you any extra time.

Honestly, when I started I didn’t think this would work. But it did. And I was looking great on dates faster than I thought.


Systeme 41


Article: Beauty Is Only Skin Deep?